Project summary

Erasmus+ School Partnership project Kitchen Our Kingdom, Cooking Our Passion
The project involves the cooperation of six vocational secondary schools from Poland, Turkey, Slovenia, Romania, Italy and France in the field of improving vocational gastronomic competence of students and teachers. All partners educate young people in the fields related to cooking and their experience in this field will be shared with the project participants. Both students and teachers will participate in the mobility. In order not to restrict access for students and teachers from outside of the thematic area of the project, we will also involve students from other fields of study not related to gastronomy in our activities and mobilities.
The aim of the project is cooperation in the field of promoting our cultural heritage, which is undoubtedly national and regional cuisine, as well as raising vocational and language competences. During mobility, students will take part in gastronomy training conducted by host school teachers, which will concern the national and regional cuisine of the host country, as well as other activities related to gastronomy, waiter service, catering, confectionery, bakery, and product quality testing. Part of the workshops will be conducted by chefs of local restaurants cooperating with schools, which will allow students to get acquainted with the real gastronomy working environment in other countries. By participating in the project, teachers and students will receive knowledge and skills in the preparation of dishes characteristic for a given country and region, will cooperate in international teams, improve soft (e.g. group work skills) and language (especially in the field of communication and vocabulary) competences .
The results will be achieved, among others, through the implementation of 25 mobilities (short training programs for staff) teachers of vocational gastronomy subjects to participate in advanced 25 hour training in the techniques of preparing dishes specific for the country and host region as well as 50 mobilities of students and 50 mobilities of teacher-carers for short-term exchanges, during which participants will also take part in educational activities related to cooking, culture and integration.
The multilingual end products of the project will include, amontg others, website containing a multimedia / interactive dictionary containing general terms but also typically gastronomic ones in each of the project partners' languages, a cookbook with recipes of national and regional dishes characteristic for each partner - in a printed and digital (downloadable) version, videos with preparation instructions for individual dishes from the cookbook. Thanks to such forms of dissemination, we will ensure a long and wide process of making them available as training materials available under open licenses CC BY-SA (Open Educational Resources). All partners due to the good cooperation so far will use local media for current promotion (press, radio, television, internet portals) and the culmination of the project will be a summary and dissemination conference organized by the project coordinator with the participation of all partners.