YouTube channel
We've created project YouTube chanel which will present videos How to prepare our national and regional dishes. Here it is:
Erasmus+ KA229 project
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We've created project YouTube chanel which will present videos How to prepare our national and regional dishes. Here it is:
We've already created Facebook fanpage which will be main way to share our activities, pictures, videos etc. Address is:
This website containing a multimedia (an interactive) dictionary containing general terms but also typically culinary in each of the languages of the project partners.
Recipes book with national and regional recipes specific to each project partner (in each partner language) - in print and the digital version (downloadable): available here
Videos with instructions on how to prepare individual dishes from the cookbook.
We've already created eTwinnig project which will be supplement for our activities - project Twinspace is: